[iNOA] Rich Developer 10-Volume
Developer formulated to be used with iNOA Ammonia-Free Permanent Haircolor with ODS technology.
Developer formulated to be used with iNOA Ammonia-Free Permanent Haircolor with ODS technology.
Developer is formulated to be used with iNOA Ammonia-Free Permanent Haircolor with ODS technology
Developer formulated to be used with iNOA Ammonia-Free Permanent Haircolor with ODS technology.
12.5-vol. Majicreme Developer can be used with Blond studio Clay 7.
Majicrème 20-vol. (6%) Developer is formulated to be used with Majirel permanent haircolor and Blond Studio.
Majicrème 30-vol. (9%) Developer is formulated to be used with Majirel permanent haircolor and Blond Studio.
Majicrème 40-vol. (12%) Developer is formulated to be used with Majirel permanent haircolor and Blond Studio.
DIActivateur 6-vol. (1.8%) Developer is formulated to be used with DIA.
DIActivateur 9-vol. (2.7%) Developer is formulated to be used with DIA.
DIActivateur 15-vol. (4.5%) Developer is formulated to be used with Dia color and Dia light.
Blond Studio 9 Oil Developer 30-Volume is formulated to be used with Blond Studio 9 Lightening Powder.
Developer specifically designed for Blond Studio Platinium Ammonia-Free or Platinium Plus.