Cowboy Copper @the_jen_cahill Roots: iNOA 6.40 + 6.46 + 7.4 + 20 volume developer, Ends Depth: iNOA 6.40 + 7.44 + 20 volume developer, End Reflective: iNOA 7.43 + 8.34 + 20 volume developer
Champagne Blonde @Tricia Cosgrove Roots: 8 + 10.21 + 10.12 + 20 volume. Mid/Ends: 10.21 + Clear + 10 volume developer
Sandy Blonde @sabrinahairwitch Roots: iNOA 6.3 + 5 + 9 + 30 volume. Mid & Ends: 7.3 + 5 + 20-volume. Ends: Blond Stduio 9
Garnet Glamour @shellymohr Regrowth: iNOA 6.34 + 7.43 + 6.46 + 20 volume developer Length and ends: 5.4 + 7.4 + 10 volume developer. Gloss with Dia light 7.40 with 9 volume developer
Ruby Rendezvous @frankdiaz.colorist Regrowth: iNOA 4 + 20 voume developer. Length and Ends: 5.60 + 5.62 + 20 volume developer
Sunset Blonde @adina_pignatare Highlight: Blond Studio 8 + 20 volume developer. iNOA 9.3 + 10.12 + 20 volume developer.
Warm Slate @adina_pignatare Regrowth: 3 + 5.1 + 6.8 + 20 volume developer. Length & ends: Dia light 7.31 + 7.43 + 9 voume developer
Cherry Violet @adina_pignatare Roots: 5 + 4 + 4.62 + 20 volume. Mid + ends: 4.20 + 5.62 + Clear + 20 volume